Losing It - Cora Carmack Men blessed with sexy accents are my downfall. A MAJOR turn on for me. I'd totally lose it if it's British. I mean, which girl in the right mind could endure such sweet torture without actually wetting herself a little. Lol. I'm already hot thinking about some British actors I adore (read: Joseph Morgan).

So it happens that the main guy in Losing It is a British man. It was instant love, no question. I loved Garrick Taylor almost immediately. He's funny, he's an actor and he's the owner of the most sexy smile ever. Did I mention I have a thing for sexy smile as well? If I didn't, now you know.

Then, we have Bliss. She reminds me so much of myself, especially my knack of turning a completely simple conversation into a lengthy rambling. She tends to overananalyze things, again which reminds me so strongly about myself. In short, I totally get Bliss.

Character-wise, I think the author has done good. There's no denying I loved both of them. And I think the story is cute. I enjoyed it even though I seriously think it's lacking in substance. Losing It would deserve higher rating from me if provided more than those incessant make out sessions between the lovebirds.